
Kirk Gives Back with ‘Back to School Buzz’

As the lazy days of summer wind down, and parents face the expense of ‘back to school’ shopping, Kirk Distributors Limited (KDL) has decided to put a buzz into these preparations by offering a day of fun, deals and discounts on Saturday, August 29.  KDL, in association with our brands and customers, will be treating shoppers in downtown Kingston to a host of complimentary services, as well as special deals and discounts through participating stores.   Ground Zero will be the Pechon Street Car Park between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

 The day’s events will include sampling, live cooking demonstrations, skin analysis, free dental checks and tips, kiddie’s corner, free haircut for boys under 15 years of age, deals and discounts in participating stores among other activities including games and giveaways.

If you can’t be there all day… join us on IRIE FM for a live broadcast between the hours of 1:00pm and 5:00pm.

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